Support for foster parents

An open, inclusive culture.

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We're here to support you

Although it’s very rewarding, fostering also brings challenges. You’ll be faced with unexpected situations and behaviours that will test your patience, and you’ll often have to think on your feet and find answers on the spot. But thanks to our training you’ll be well prepared, and as you grow in experience you’ll take most of this in your stride. That’s not the only way we support you however.

We understand how important it is for you to feel there is someone always available to talk to or to offer expert help and guidance. It means you’ll get far more out of being a foster parent – and children will get more out of the experience too. That’s why we’ve put together a package of support that’s always there for you.

Regular supervision and your own dedicated social worker

Our team are fully trained and qualified social work professionals with a wide range of experience of fostering and all it involves. We’ll allocate one to you and they’ll be with you throughout, visiting you regularly to monitor progress both yours and your foster children. We will provide any extra help you might need. You can also call us at any time of the day or night, every day of the year, so there’s open and regular communication to help you foster successfully.

Highly qualified local teams

Each of our local offices has its own expert team, including social workers, trainers, administrative support and management, all working hard to create a welcoming and supportive culture. Backed up with a wider expertise across ACS, we’re on hand for every need. You can call us anytime and you are always welcome to pop in to our offices.

Peer group meetings

Most foster parents find it’s really helpful to meet up with others – this is especially important when caring for child of different culture or faith. It’s a chance to share experiences, learn from others and build a wider circle of support. We hold regular group ‘get togethers’ and you’re encouraged to attend as many as possible.

Activities and events for everyone

We have a packed calendar of activities that are open to you and your family, giving everyone a chance to get together and take part. These include games, sports and fun days out as well as charity events and activities to celebrate religious and other festivals.

Community resources

We have excellent links with local mosques, synagogues, churches and other key community groups, all of which get involved and support what we’re doing.

Paid respite care

Fostering can be tough from time to time, and we all need a break now and again. Every year, we give our foster parents the option of 14 days paid respite care so they can get away for a while. On these days, we find other caring homes to look after your children locally.  If you don't take this, we will provide you with an additional fostering allowance.


We’re aware that sometimes you’ll need help outside normal office hours, so we’ve set up a 24/7 helpline. We’re always there, ready to take your call and help.

Online resources

Access to Learnative, our own online learning platform so you can do some training in the comfort of your own home.  We've had great feedback about our online platform, and if you have a partner that continues to work outside the home, it's a very beneficial service which means they are not needing to take so much time away from work.

Financial support.

Our payments and allowances help cover the costs of childcare and also reward your hard work.

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We take great pride in our 'Outstanding' support and making sure it’s available to you every single day.

Free membership of FosterTalk

FosterTalk is an independent organisation which represents and supports everyone involved in fostering. When you’re a member you get loads of benefits, including insurance, free advice and helplines as well as special member discounts on goods and services. There’s even a regular magazine to keep you in touch with what’s happening in fostering.

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Great rewards and benefits for foster parents

Finance & Allowances

Visit our financial calculator to see how much you could earn as a foster parent for ACS.

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Apply to foster

Ready to apply to become a foster parent?  At ACS we are here to help you every step of the way.  Get in touch today.

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Sabbir’s Story

“My proudest moment was when the child I care for told me, ‘This is my family now and you’re my father.”

Sabbir Ahmed, ACS foster parent

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Frequently asked questions

What do I need to become a foster parent?

You’ll need to be able to offer the young person or persons in your care the security and continuity they need – as well as supporting their specific religious and cultural needs. You’ll need to provide with them a stable, nurturing family home. You don’t need any qualifications necessarily, but some experience in looking after children –your own children, within your extended family, or in a childcare setting. Perhaps you were brought up in care yourself and understand what it is like. Just ask one our friendly team members if you’re not sure, they are always happy to answer any questions you may have.

Fostering isn’t always easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding. And with our 24/7 package of training and support, we’re here for you every step of the way.

What training will I receive to be able to foster?

You will be invited to attend our 'Prepare to Foster' training. You must complete this course, usually 3 days before we can take your assessment to panel. Once approved we will also provide you with an induction to help you get to know ACS more fully, help you to know what you need to do as a foster parent and help you to learn our procedures and systems. We are there to help you every step of the way as a new foster parent and beyond.

What if I'm already a foster parent and wish to transfer?

We welcome experienced foster parents to ACS. Many people transfer to us, as they wish to foster with a faith based agency, that understands and respects their culture and traditions.

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Think you'd make a great foster parent?

Whether you’re ready to start your journey or just want to chat to an expert, we're here to talk.

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